At Whole Dental Wellness, we recognize the deep links between oral health and total body wellness. Your mouth is so much more than just teeth and gums! Overall health depends on oral health. That's why we take a holistic approach to dental care.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the connections between your mouth and whole body. You'll discover our mindful philosophy of integrative oral care and pick up actionable tips to improve your dental wellness. Consider us your partners on the journey towards incredible oral and overall health!
Holistic oral care and dentistry focus on the big picture. We go beyond drilling and filling teeth to get to the root causes of oral health issues. This requires examining how nutrition, stress, sleep, chronic illnesses, medications, and more affect the oral microbiome. Then, we can craft customized plans to optimize your oral health within whole-body wellness.
As your holistic dentists, we make it a priority to understand you as a complete person. We take time to learn about your unique lifestyle, values, and health goals so we can tailor our recommendations accordingly. This mindful, patient-centered method makes all the difference.
Adopting a holistic outlook when it comes to your mouth offers so many benefits. Here are some of the most important advantages:
Your oral health and whole-body health intertwine in numerous ways. Neglecting oral hygiene and allowing inflammation/bacterial overgrowth in the mouth can pave the way for various systemic issues:
Cardiovascular disease: Periodontal bacteria enter the bloodstream and damage heart vessels. Inflammation in the gums correlates strongly with inflammation in the blood vessels around the heart, which can increase your risk for heart disease.
Respiratory infection: Bacteria multiply in the oral cavity and can then be inhaled into the lungs, causing infection. This is especially concerning for those with compromised immunity.
Compromised diabetes control: Periodontal disease makes it much harder to manage blood sugar as oral inflammation contributes to insulin resistance.
Cognitive decline and dementia: Tooth loss and chronic oral inflammation seem to be independent risk factors for memory problems and Alzheimer’s.
Digestive disorders: Harmful oral bacteria travel down and colonize the gut, contributing to IBS, SIBO, and more.
Adverse pregnancy outcomes: Maternal periodontal disease heightens the risk of pre-term birth and low birth weight infants.
Rheumatoid arthritis: There is evidence that the bacteria involved in gum disease may kickstart rheumatoid arthritis in those with a genetic predisposition.
Oral, throat and esophageal cancers: Certain oral bacteria convert alcohol into carcinogenic acetaldehyde which can lead to cancer in the head and neck region.
Kidney disease: The constant dissemination of bacteria and inflammatory mediators from diseased gums into the blood can worsen kidney health.
Proper oral hygiene and holistic dental care help prevent gum inflammation and pathogenic overgrowth in the oral microbiome. In turn, this supports total body health and prevents downstream effects.
If you want to maximize oral health within the context of holistic wellness, optimizing your daily oral hygiene routine is non-negotiable. Here are tips to radically improve your regimen:
In addition to traditional oral hygiene methods, we also offer many innovative therapies and technologies to take your oral health to the highest level:
Proper nutrition is critical for developing strong, decay-resistant teeth and maintaining excellent oral health throughout life. Here is more about the impact of diet on oral health and some key dietary tips:
We hope this guide has illuminated just how intimately your oral health and overall wellness go hand in hand. While excellent oral hygiene lays a critical foundation, optimal health requires a whole-body approach. That’s why our holistic dentist educates patients on lifestyle factors like nutrition, stress management, hormonal balance, and sleep hygiene. We also collaborate closely with your other healthcare providers.
At Whole Dental Wellness, our goal is to be your partner in crafting a truly personalized plan for incredible oral and total body health. Experience the difference at one of our holistic dental offices in Birmingham or Roseville. Give us a call today to schedule your initial consultation. Our friendly team can’t wait to meet you!
Call or Book An Appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.
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