Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Therapy
Tooth interior and infected pulp tissue diagram

What is a Root Canal?        

The connective tissues, nerves, and blood vessels within the soft center (pulp) of your tooth each help your tooth grow and stay healthy. When it becomes infected, a root canal is often performed to save the tooth from decay. It is common for a root canal to be performed under local anesthesia, but other sedation options are available.

A root canal is a type of endodontic treatment we offer. Once the pulp is infected, it will not heal on its own. Left untreated, the bacteria and infection will spread to other nearby teeth. At Whole Dental Wellness in Birmingham root canal therapy involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning and shaping the root canal, filling and sealing the space, then placing a crown or filling on the tooth to seal and protect. After your root canal recovery, you will have full function of your mouth and teeth.

Root Canal Procedure      

Before treatment for a root canal Birmingham dentists at Whole Dental will apply a numbing gel on and around the infected area. The gel typically takes about 15 to 20 minutes to take effect. Then a local anesthetic is injected into the gums.

You may feel a sharp pinch with the injection, but you will not experience any pain during your procedure. We offer conscious sedation options, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and prescribed relaxers for your total relaxation. Once you are numb, a small opening on the top of your tooth is made to expose the infected or damaged pulp.            

The pulp is removed, and your Birmingham dentist will then clean the root canals, removing all bacteria and infection. A topical antibiotic coats the affected area to ensure all infection is gone. Then your canals are filled and sealed with a rubber-like sealer paste (gutta-percha). A temporary filling is placed at the original opening your dentist made, which will prevent the canals from being exposed to bacteria, until your permanent crown is placed.

How do I know if Root Canal Therapy is right for me?        

Any diseased or infected pulp or gum tissue needs treatment to avoid other serious health risks, such as an abscess or pulp necrosis. With Root Canal Therapy the injured or infected pulp is removed to preserve your tooth and keep your smile intact. Common symptoms of a damaged pulp include:

  • Swelling
  • Tooth pain
  • Gums feel hot
  • Tooth injury or trauma
  • Chipped or cracked tooth
  • Extensive decay due to untreated cavity

At Whole Dental Wellness, we will work to relieve your tooth pain and save your tooth. Treating the whole patient is our primary goal. We truly are committed to your holistic health.

Birmingham root canal patient with toothache

Root Canal Recovery

You must be on a soft-food diet for the next week so that the temporary filling is not damaged and enables the infected area to heal. You may experience some swelling, but most pain is managed with over-the-counter or prescribed medications. You will need to avoid chewing on the damaged tooth until your permanent crown is in place.


Birmingham root canal therapy patient smiling



Root Canal Results        

Your root canal provides long-lasting results as long as you take care of your teeth.

Proper oral hygiene habits are imperative to keep bacteria and infection away. Remember, your oral health affects the overall health of your body to function properly. Keeping your gums and teeth healthy offers positive benefits for the whole body.

Schedule Your Root Canal Consultation with Whole Dental Wellness Today      

Whole Dental Wellness offers Root Canal Therapy with conscious sedation options to keep you relaxed and pain-free during your procedure. Our specialists and general dentists will answer questions and listen to your concerns. We want you out of pain, feeling better and back to your normal activities. Schedule your root canal consultation today. Our office serves the Birmingham and Detroit metro areas.



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Root Canal Therapy FAQs        

Will a root canal hurt?                            

During your procedure, you will be comfortable and numb. After your treatment, you will have sensitivity in that area of your mouth. Your pain is managed with over-the-counter or prescription medications. Conscious sedation is another option to provide an additional level of relaxation during the procedure.              

What if my tooth cannot be saved?                            

We will do everything possible to save your tooth. If there is deep decay, a root fracture, or inadequate bone support, endodontic surgery may be another option. In the worst-case scenario, the tooth and root are extracted. In that case, your dentist would discuss implant options with you.              

Does my insurance cover it?                            

We will work with your insurance provider and offer complete transparency with our dental procedure costs. It is always recommended to speak with your insurance provider about your coverage options.