Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening

A brighter, more self confident you.

Even with ideal home dental hygiene, it can be difficult to maintain gorgeous, bright white teeth. Discoloration can be caused by certain types of food and beverages, environmental factors, and even the natural aging process.

If you feel that it's time to brighten your smile, our Roseville cosmetic dentists are here to help with all your concerns regarding teeth whitening. With so many options available for teeth whitening these days, the selection process can be overwhelming. At Whole Dental Wellness, we strive to provide you with the best teeth whitening Roseville has to offer. That's why we offer several different teeth whitening treatments - all personalized for you. Whether you decide on one of our in-office treatments for teeth whitening in Roseville, or a customized take-home kit, we are here to help get you the dazzling smile you've always dreamed of.

Request a Consultation

Teeth Whitening Roseville

Are you a candidate for teeth whitening or bleaching?

Tooth whitening works best for people with yellowing teeth. It is less effective for patients with brown teeth. And if your teeth are gray, tooth whitening probably won’t work at all.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cost-effective, convenient, and noninvasive way to improve the appearance of dark, discolored teeth. At Whole Dental Wellness in Roseville teeth whitening is often a part of our comprehensive treatment plan, as it can be combined with other treatments that all help enhance your smile, including:

  1. Porcelain veneers
  2. Dental bonding and crowns
  3. Teeth straightening

When bleaching may not be right for you

Teeth bleaching can make teeth temporarily sensitive or can be uncomfortable for people who already have sensitive teeth. When used incorrectly, home whitening kits can lead to burned (or even temporarily bleached) gums.

If you have multiple fillings or porcelain restorations

It is critical that whitening is discussed before any restorative dentistry is completed. Unlike natural teeth, tooth restorations (bonding, crowns, bridges, and veneers) can not be lightened and brightened. However, if you have an existing, discolored restoration and still want to benefit from teeth whitening, we can replace your old restoration to match the new color of your teeth after bleaching is completed and the desired result is achieved. So if you are thinking about whitening, talk to a member of our whole dental team today to see what options are best for you!

Intrinsic Stains

Stains on the inside of teeth (intrinsic stains) often do not respond to bleaching as the bleach cannot reach deep enough into these areas to have the desired effect. In these cases, restorative options (such as porcelain veneers, dental bonding, or crowns) are typically better options to hide these stains and provide you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Worn enamel and recession causing exposed roots

In select cases, whitening can worsen dental sensitivity. The likelihood of having post-treatment sensitivity is higher if you have worn enamel or recession of your gums causing root exposure. Our team will carefully evaluate the condition of your teeth during the treatment planning process to ensure we help you select the right treatment option for your individual situation..

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)

If you are suffering from TMD, sometime wearing take-home whitening trays may worsen your condition. If this is the case, our team will likely recommend an in-office bleaching option, which will allow you to achieve the same desired result with exacerbating your joint condition.

The In-Office Teeth Whitening Process

Dramatic results are often achieved, sometimes whitening and brightening teeth by as many as eight shades. At Whole Dental Wellness we offer two of the most trusted in-office whitening treatments – GLO and Philips Zoom!

Zoom! your stains away.

Zoom! uses a 25% concentration of peroxide intensified with a proprietary blue light to eliminate deep stains. This treatment can make your teeth three to eight shades lighter in as little as 45 minutes. Our Roseville teeth whitening experts will work with you to determine your whitening goals based on the extent of your discoloration. First, we will clean your teeth to remove any debris that could interfere with the bleaching agent. Next, the whitening gel is gently and evenly applied to your teeth. The light is then turned on your teeth for 15 minutes. This process is performed three times in the course of one treatment. All you have to do is sit back and relax. In less than an hour your teeth will be whiter and brighter than ever before!

Get GLOwing with our latest whitening technology.

Get your whitest, brightest smile in less than an hour, with no pain! Our latest GLO technology combines the power of GLO warming heat and light with high concentration, professional strength whitening gel that can only be applied by a dental professional. You will leave our office feeling invigorated and with a new sense of self confidence. Ask our whole dental wellness team if GLO technology is recommended for you today.

Roseville Teeth Whitening

Whiten From The Comfort of Your Own Home

A custom fit every time. If it is determined a home bleaching kit is the best treatment for you, we will take impressions of your teeth at your dental visit.

Custom trays that hold the whitening gel will be custom made from models of your teeth to ensure that they fit comfortably and securely. You can swing by and pick them up anytime and one of your whitening experts will go over all the home care instructions with you to start you down the path to a brighter, whiter smile. Typically, you will fill the tray with whitening gel before placing it over your teeth. Everyone’s whitening needs are different, so you may wear the tray from as little as 15 minutes per day to several hours or overnight. Typically, a full treatment will span about two weeks to get you the desired result.

Tips to maintain your gorgeous new smile.

Optimal home care is critical to maintaining your new brighter, whiter smile. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily. Avoiding certain foods and drinks that are known to cause staining (such as coffee, red wine, and numerous pigmented or acidic food and drinks) will also help. As always, at Whole Dental Wellness we recommend you abstain from all tobacco products – not only will this help maintain your new smile, but may save your life!

Teeth Whitening FAQs

What’s the difference between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching?

Whitening refers to restoring your teeth to their natural color by removing stains from the tooth surface. Bleaching teeth seeks to whiten teeth beyond their natural color.

Does teeth whitening damage or crack teeth?

Teeth whitening does not damage tooth enamel or structure. While whitening will not crack your teeth, it can, in some cases, damage your gums if not supervised by a dentist.

Is teeth whitening permanent?

No. Results generally last between three months and three years. Whitening treatments can be repeated as desired.

What are the bleaching agents used in tooth whitening gels?

  • Hydrogen peroxide, or,
  • Carbamide peroxide, which breaks down into hydrogen peroxide

In-office systems contain between 15 percent and 43 percent peroxide. Generally, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter time it should be applied to your teeth.

Will my dental insurance pay for tooth whitening or bleaching?

Since whitening is considered a cosmetic procedure and not medically necessary, your insurance will not cover the costs.

How much does whitening cost?

The average cost of professional whitening treatment is $650, but whitening procedures can cost up to $1,000 or more. We would be happy to discuss costs and any available payment plans before your whitening treatment.

Why Whiten?

According to research performed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, more than one-third of Americans are concerned about the look of their teeth. Almost 20 percent try to hide their teeth in photos, and more than 70 percent believe an unattractive smile can hurt their chances of career success. Your smile is our business! Find out why our Roseville teeth whitening patients trust Whole Dental Wellness to give them the brighter, whiter smile they’ve been wanting. We warmly invite you to schedule a consultation to learn more about the benefits of teeth whitening.